Choosing A Gravestone For Mom Or Dad

“The world talks to the mind.
Parents speak more intimately, they talk to the heart.”
– Hain Ginott

Getting over the emotional turmoil after the death of a parent, whether it is your mom or dad is definitely tough. However, you need to compose yourself to make proper arrangements for the funeral.

In addition, you are required to get a suitable gravestone or grave marker for your departed parent to honor him or her.

You can even have a headstone for your mother or father after cremation and place it in a memorial garden.

Gravestones or tombstones can be made of materials like granite, bronze, marble, limestone, fieldstone, slate, soapstone, and so on. The ones prepared from granite and bronze are usually preferred as they are attractive yet durable.

Bronze markers, in particular, look aesthetic. You can also get a matching vase along with the headstone for keeping flowers. Besides, you can choose gravestones in beautiful colors such as pink, green, blue, black, grey, etc.

Moreover, you can personalize the memorial with a famous quote, poem, prose, etc. that best describes the importance of your parents in your life, and include a laser etched photo on the stone.

Those who are religiously or spiritually inclined can use scriptural verses, too. Furthermore, consider writing an epitaph for your deceased parent to as a tribute and get it engraved on the tombstone.

Some people prefer to write their own epitaphs beforehand. Plus, at times, individuals have some wishes regarding their funeral, gravestone, and other similar aspects. So, try your best to honor your parents’ wishes.

In addition, you can include meaning symbols and wonderful artwork on your father or mother’s gravestone. Gravestones generally tell a lot about the deceased. Thus, try to design your guardian’s headstone keeping his or her personality and preferences in mind.

Though painful, you may also opt for a companion headstone for your parents to honor their unconditional and endless love for each other.

Moreover, if you are planning to get your departed mom or dad cremated, then you can look for a cremation headstone, bench, or some other monument with the option of storing the cremation urn within the stone. Ypu may read about the difference between crremation and burial at

You can find these memorial monuments at funeral stores like, Quiring Monuments, Thompson Monuments, etc.

Gravestone Inscriptions for Mom

“A loving Mother, true and kind,
A beautiful memory left behind.”

“A Dear Mother With A Heart Of Gold”

“Her life a
beautiful memory
Her absence
a silent grief”

“Sleep on, sweet mother and wife,
And take thy rest, God called thee home
He thought it best”

“She gave us love in the fullest measure
Care, devotion, memories to treasure
In our hearts she will always live
The dearest Mother God could give.”

“She enhanced the lives
Of those she touched”

Gravestone Inscriptions for Dad

“He was a Father so very rare
Content in home and always there
Unselfish ways and a heart of gold
No finer Father this world could hold.”

“His true wealth was in his generous heart.
And what endless wealth he did have.”

“An understanding heart
An intelligent mind
We miss you Dad
You were one of a kind.”

“You toiled hard Dad
Now you rest
We are proud you are ours
One of the best”

“You were our teacher and our guide,
Our dad, so good and strong;
Your example will sustain us now,
And last our whole lives long.”