Angel Gravestones and Monuments
Gravestone Options for Cremation Burials
Preventing & Resolving Disputes With Cemeteries
Choosing A Gravestone For Mom Or Dad
Selecting Designs For Gravestones
Inspirational Verses For Gravestones
Gravestone Ideas To Memorialize Teenagers
Memorial Inscriptions For Gravestones
Bronze Vs. Granite Gravestones
Selection Of Colors For Gravestones
Best Materials For Gravestones
Gravestones And Monuments- An Overview
Caring For A Gravestone To Increase Its Longevity
How Much Does A Gravestone Cost?
How To Protect And Preserve A Gravestone?
It is hard for parents to choose gravestones for their little angels. Nevertheless, having a charming and beautiful infant headstone or gravestone can be useful in remembering and memorializing a young child.
Infant gravestone designs mostly include designs like teddy bears and angels. In addition, people usually opt for heart-shaped headstones for children.
Moreover, you can select a nice inscription or create an epitaph yourself. Having honored your beloved child in such a way is sure to bring some peace.
When writing an epitaph, though try to keep it simple and short as there is limited space on a headstone or marker.
Besides, gravestones for children may be carved with meaningful symbols or emblems along with the child’s name, and dates of birth and death. The ones for stillborn babies feature only a single date.
Listed below are some symbols and their meanings.
Morning glory flower- youth, child death
Sleeping child- Deceased child
Lamb- Innocence
A pair of small, empty shoes (one shoe is overturned)- Loss of a child
Daisy- Innocence of a child
Acorn- Young child
Naked child- Purity and innocence
Cherub- Marks the grave of a child
Dove- Holy Spirit, innocence and gentleness
Angel carrying a baby to heaven
To find out more about headstone symbolism, visit
Moreover, you may include designs such as baby toys (building blocks, pacifier, bib, toy plane, train, baby booties, etc.), kitty, bunny, traditional rocking horse, favorite cartoon characters, a heart, child angel on a rainbow, Mary holding a baby, and other religious figures.
As for choosing messages or quotes to be carved on the headstone, you may consider inscriptions like:
“Shh…Baby Sleeping”
“God’s garden needs flowers”
“Some people only dream of angels…
We have held one in our arms”
“An angel in the book of life wrote down my baby’s birth. Then whispered as she closed the book ‘too beautiful for earth’”
“Held for a moment, loved for a lifetime”
“Budded on Earth to bloom in Heaven”
“May You Find Comfort in the Arms Of An Angel”
“You touched our lives for the briefest of moments, Yet you will stay with us forever”
“Born into the arms of the angels” (for a stillborn baby)
“A moment in our arms, forever in our hearts”
While composing a message yourself, you may take help of religious quotes, whether from the Bible, The Book of Mormon, the Koran, Hindu scriptures, etc., poems, old books bearing epitaphs, and even nursery rhymes to come up with something special for your little one.
In addition, you can get the gravestone personalized by getting an adorable picture of your child laser etched on the stone.
You may also visit the section of a cemetery dedicated to deceased children for inspiring ideas to honor your baby’s memories.
When purchasing an infant gravestone with intricate design, choose a high-quality material which is easy to carve on.
Furthermore, consult the cemetery where you are going to place the stone about the type of tombstones and grave markers they accept.